2006 Atlas Copco RD20 Drill Rig
Model: RD20, Range 3
Deck Engine: Cummins QSK19 (755HP)
Compressor: 1250cfm/350psi HR 2.5
Pullback: 120,000lbs
Rotary Head: Double Motor Spur Gear
Truck: Crane Carrier Corp
Truck Engine: CAT C13 (380HP)
Mileage: 9,362 (unverified)
- Also available for an additional price: 200 joints of RNG III RD20 Drill pipe @ $400 (per joint), back on ramps, doghouse, compressor, booster
SALE PRICE $660,000 (bare rig) / OR RIG & 200 joints of Drill pipe price $724,500